
Top mattresses with Nordic Swan Ecolabel

"Wonderland has started a comprehensive environmental initiative. Together with Norway's foremost environmental researchers and industrial designers, our goal is to cut the bed’s environmental footprint in half," says Lars Stenerud, the CEO of Wonderland.

Ecolabelling is an important tool to ensure that materials and products meet strict environmental requirements.

"We have for many years worked closely together with our suppliers to provide a healthy sleeping evironment where the materials have long durability and environmental certifications. To make it even easier to make a more sustainable choice, we now choose Nordic Swan Ecolabel for our Top Mattress Collection", says Lars Stenerud, the CEO of Wonderland.

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel sets strict enviornmental requirements:

  • In all relevant stages of the product’s life cycle.
  • On chemical use.
  • On quality and durability.
  • On recyclable materials and design.

More information:

A healthy sleep environment with washable textiles

"We heavily prioritise a healthy sleeping environment, and have put washable textiles on the entire bed – not just the top mattress. With separating zippers, each individual part easily fits in a standard size washing machine," says Arne Ove Grøvdal, product designer at Wonderland.

CertiPUR tests foam materials and sets stringent demands on the components. CertiPUR certified foam ensures that the material doesn't contain any harmful substances.

Read more:

CertiPUR (europur.org)