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Top mattresses with Nordic Swan Ecolabel

"Wonderland has started a comprehensive environmental initiative. Together with Norway's foremost environmental researchers and industrial designers, our goal is to cut the bed’s environmental footprint in half," says Lars Stenerud, the CEO of Wonderland.

Ecolabelling is an important tool to ensure that materials and products meet strict environmental requirements.

"We have for many years worked closely together with our suppliers to provide a healthy sleeping evironment where the materials have long durability and environmental certifications. To make it even easier to make a more sustainable choice, we now choose Nordic Swan Ecolabel for our Top Mattress Collection", says Lars Stenerud, the CEO of Wonderland.

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel sets strict enviornmental requirements:

  • In all relevant stages of the product’s life cycle.
  • On chemical use.
  • On quality and durability.
  • On recyclable materials and design.

More information:

7 tips for a good night’s sleep

1: Prioritise your sleep
Find out when you need to go to bed, to feel well-rested when you wake up.

2: Find your calm
Create a bedtime routine to calm down. A warm shower, read a book, write down your thoughts, listen to music or drink something hot.

3: Get regular sleep habits
Getting a sufficient amount of daylight each day, and getting up and going to bed at about the same time each day improves your circadian rhythm and sleep pattern.

4: Optimise your bedroom
What do you prefer to have a good night’s sleep? Dark curtains, hot or cold? Make your bedroom a relaxing retreat.

5: A bed that suits you
You can relax better in a bed that suits you. The body can rest longer in the most important deep sleep.

6: Check your sleeping position
If you choose a bed with an adjustable hip zone and a good shoulder zone, you will also be certain to get the best sleeping position and relaxation.

7: Wash your bed regularly
Lying down in newly washed bed sheets is a heavenly feeling. A bed where all textiles can be washed, will give you a healthy and clean sleep environment for years to come.

Photo: Rannveig Aamodt, photogragpher: Nathan Welton.
from our sleep ambassadors:
Wonderland Ambassador of Sleep: Emelie Forsberg
Emelie Forsberg,
"Turn of your your phone and log out before you go to bed. Fresh air in the bedroom and a bed and pillow that suits you."
Photo: Kilian Jornet.
Wonderland Ambassador of Sleep: Rannveig Aamodt
Rannveig Aamodt,
"Check that you have the right bed and pillow to get the best sleep quality. Priorotise your self and your sleep and log of from social media and your phone before you go to bed."
Photo: Nathan Welton.

Locally sourced production in Norway

"We are in close collaboration with a variety of local sub-contractors. This provides an efficient and locally sourced production," says Kurt Arild Dahle, head of marketing at Wonderland.

Local sub-contractors

"The plastic details for our adjustable hip zone and all of our foam, are produced just 300 m from our Wonderland factory. The bed frames are produced in Måndalen, just 25 min from Åndalsnes.

Contributing to our community

"It is important for us to contribute to our local community. By choosing to work with local sub-contractors, we can create even more workplaces in our region," Kurt Arild Dahle says.